Book Pre-Launch Marketing Tips

Book Pre-Launch Marketing Tips

Authors, publishers, and book promoters can increase their book marketing and sales activities by duplicating recent book promotion activity success stories. To help this process, LearnQIC has setup a website that allows people to find and share recent successful book marketing tips, guides, and templages. People who contribute receive publicity (media posts), credibility (contributor profile), and links in media (SEO value).

Successful Book Marketing Activities – what book promotion activities have recently worked well.

Practical and Valuable – what skills and resources are needed to do them. Most should be simple and low cost so book authors with little or no marketing training can do it.

Typical Results – how much time does it take, how long does it take to work, what can be expected as results. 

Examples & Key Steps – practical examples and key steps and resources required to do the activity.

Book Marketing Tip Hub – exchange tips and experiences when you talk to other authors 

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