Book Pre-Launch Marketing Task Management

Book Pre-Launch Marketing Task Management

To manage many activities during book pre-launch, you must describe, setup, prioritize, and assign tasks. A Book Pre-Launch Marketing task list can be a single spreadsheet or an integrated project or activity management system such as Trello or Asana. It is important that all the people who are involved in your projects can easily access and use your project and task management systems. Using a Google spreadsheet to track book marketing tasks can be a simple way to organize, share, and track your project tasks.

You can (and should) continue to use your task list after you launch your book. Many of the pre-launch activities will be continued after your book is released. 

Task Name and Description – name and short description that allows most people involved with your marketing tasks to understand what to do.

Task Priority – assigned a priority such as complete in a day (priority A), week (priority B), month (priority C), months (priority D), cancelled (priority X), and completed (priority Z). You should regularly review, update, and sort your tasks.

Due Date – when the task should be completed.

Responsibility – who is responsible for completing the tasks (initials).

Task Resource Link – to access the document or project materials.

Task Notes – additional information related to the completion of the task. This may be some additional task criteria or resources.