Book Pre-Launch Marketing Contributors
Getting people and companies to contribute information, photos, and other media for a book in development is a great way to improve book content, make new influencer connections, and to develop awareness and credibility.
Media Requests – send media content requests (photos, content) to contacts on the bottom of press releases. Use sample media request messages to save time. Update the sample media request messages as your success rates increase.
Expert Requests – ask existing contacts for expert reviewer referral requests or directly contact subject experts to ask for help in creating and reviewing sections of your book.
Connection Requests – shortly after sending requests and establishing communication, send a Linkedin or other network connection request.
Use Permissions – ask and get written permission to use images and contributed media in the book.
Book Reviews – put the contributors name in the acknowledgement section of the book, send a copy of the book with a thank you inscription. Followup 2-4 weeks after sending a sample book and ask the person to post a book review on Amazon and other places.