What are the Types of Book Launch Sponsorships?

What are the Types of Book Launch Sponsorships?

Authors can sell or get value for book sponsorships before releasing their book. It is also possible to sell or provide some sponsorships after the book is released.

Sponsorship Fees or Value – you can charge a fixed amount for content insertion, a fee for each value provided such as sponsored media posts or books given away paid for by a sponsor, or barter some other value such as sponsors creating a web page or publishing promotional media posts for your book. 

Content Sponsor – sponsors get publicity and credibility for having their name and content in your book. The sponsor can pay to include an image (screen shot), logo, text, or other content included in the book material. 

Media Sponsor – the sponsor can be mentioned as a sponsor (logo and link) in book media blog posts, tweets, images, and/or videos that you publish for your book.

Registration Sponsorship – the sponsor pays to provide the book for free in return for receiving the recipient (purchaser) contact information. It is important to let the buyer know that if they choose to let the sponsor pay for the book, the sponsor will receive their contact information and that the sponsor may send them additional information related to the book.