Book Pre-Launch Marketing Task Checklist
A Book Pre-Launch Marketing task checklist is a one page sheet that lists key book pre-launch marketing activities. It is a great tool you can use to monitor and motivate progress. Put it in a place you see each day such as your bathroom mirror. Line out each task as they are completed. Write down a reward you will give yourself when your task list is complete.
Key Marketing Tasks – contains a list of 60+ marketing activities you can do for pre-launching your book.
Daily Motivator – customize your pre-launch checklist and put it in a place you will see every day such as a bathroom mirror. It will remind and possibly frustrate you to make progress on your book.
Progress Tracking – line out items on your task list as you complete them. A task list that is all lined out should make you feel great!
Completion Reward – write a reasonable reward you will give yourself when your task list is completed.
You can get the book pre-launch marketing checklist by going to: