Book Pre-Launch Marketing Promotional Media

Book Pre-Launch Marketing Promotional Media

Book marketing promotional graphics and information are used to attract, motivate, & communicate with contributors, reviewers, and book buyers. It is extremely helpful to have some graphics and book descriptions before your book launch.

Descriptions  – have multiple lengths – 25 to 500+ word descriptions.

Buying Motivators – topics and needs that develop interest and desire in your book.

Cover – attention getting and interest building cover image.

Logos – attention getting and interest building small version of cover. Use for media channels.

Book Business Card – something you can give to people you meet that provides motivational information and followup incentives.

Book Brochure – a single sheet that provides motivational information, book details, and ways to followup and get more information.

Press Kit – a place that media people can go to get images and information about your book that they can publish in their shows, magazines, and other media channels.