Book Pre-Launch Marketing Procedures
Book Pre-Launch Marketing procedures are instructions on how to do projects and tasks. They may define and include file names and links to specific files used for projects. It is helpful to create new procedures from sample procedures that have already been setup and successfully used. Marketing procedures should be organized into sections that are easy to find and use. It is helpful to have the people who use procedures to update them as necessary. Procedure document access may be restricted to specific people or access may be provided on a view only basis.
Marketing Procedures – step-by-step instructions on how to do projects and tasks. Procedures may include resource names and links to specific files used for projects.
Gathering Sample Instructions – where and how to get sample marketing procedures to help guide the creation of your own procedures. Setup or join mastermind groups of successful authors and marketers where you can get and share procedures. Find other authors who have written similar books, connect with them on Linkedin or Facebook, and ask and offer to share successful Book Pre-Launch Marketing tips.
Organizing Procedures – projects and task sections that have headings which are easy to find and understand.
Updating Procedures – services and processes change over time which may require changes in procedures. It is helpful to have the people who use the procedures to update them.
Sharing Procedures – procedure document access can be restricted to specific people or view only links may be provided.