Book Pre-Launch Marketing Media Post Publishing

Book Pre-Launch Marketing Media Post Publishing

The publishing of book marketing media posts can be setup and scheduled for 6 to 12+ months keeping their messages and topics fresh in the search engines.

Media Post Schedule – create a topic editorial calendar with key message types. You can create sequences of messages such as guides for topics in your book. 

Media Channels – identify which media channels will be used when they are published – Twitter, Book Blog, Youtube, Reddit. One media post topic may be published on several media channels.

Media Post Tracking – copy and paste the URL and date when your media posts are published.

Media Agents – identify the types of people who can publish each media post – host, staff, influencer, media agents. It can be important that the profile of the person who publishes the media post matches the media post topic and focus. Having a sales person post a very technical media post may not give much credibility to the post.

Post Publishing Tools – setup and use services like Hootsuite that organize and publish content to media channels at pre-determined dates and times (scheduled posts).