Book Pre-Launch


Book Sponsorship Agreement Sample

A book sponsorship agreement defines what sponsored content is included in a book and/or its associated promotional media, when and how it will be published, and the fees or value the sponsor provides. It defines the content submission rules, where in the book and promotional media it will be included, how the sponsor will review […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Key Book Pre-Launch Marketing Images

There are key images and photos that can help book pre-launch marketing. It is helpful to have a spreadsheet list of image graphics that allows easy organizing, finding, and copying of images for use. Some images such as the cover art can be adapted and used to create other media such as logos, banners, book […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Steps to Get Pre-Launch Book Reviews

It is important to get good reviews for books that are available for pre-order to show up higher in search results and to help motivate people to buy. To get good book reviews, you usually have to ask happy people to post reviews. In addition to getting positive ratings for books, it is helpful to […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Book Pre-Launch Marketing Tips

Authors, publishers, and book promoters can increase their book marketing and sales activities by duplicating recent book promotion activity success stories. To help this process, LearnQIC has setup a website that allows people to find and share recent successful book marketing tips, guides, and templages. People who contribute receive publicity (media posts), credibility (contributor profile), […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Book Pre-Release Version Development Guide

A pre-release version (partial or draft version) of a book can be given to people who pre-purchase it as an immediate buying motivation. Your pre-release book can contain sample book material (title page, about the author, chapters, etc) plus some helpful and promotional items. Pre-Release Versions – you may have multiple pre-release book versions depending […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Book Pre-Launch Sponsorships Guide

Authors and publishers can earn money and improve their books and media with content from book sponsors before publishing. Companies want to do book sponsorships to get publicity, credibility, sales leads, and influence.  Book Sponsorship Benefits – publicity (search discovery), credibility (authority), high value content links (search engine value), sales leads (qualified & interested), and […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Book Sponsorship Agreement Sample

A book sponsorship agreement defines the terms, requirements, and compensation for including sponsor media in a book or in its promotional media. Sponsorship Options – the sponsor may get their content in the book (content sponsor), references, logos, and links in book media posts (media sponsor), or receive contact information when a person receives a […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

How to Promote Books on Online Discussion Groups?

Promoting books on online discussion groups can be highly effective to find and motivate readers and book buyers but you must follow written and social rules to avoid social backlash or getting removed from the group. Group Rules – there are official posted rules (terms of services) and group social rules. Violating official rules such […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

Easy Way for Authors to Talk About and Pitch a Book

A book business card and sample script can help authors to increase their success and increase interest when first talking with people about their book. A book business card can act as a guide to help a person learn about your book. A script (interactive book commercial) can help you to discover and motivate a […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch

What are the Types of Book Launch Sponsorships?

Authors can sell or get value for book sponsorships before releasing their book. It is also possible to sell or provide some sponsorships after the book is released. Sponsorship Fees or Value – you can charge a fixed amount for content insertion, a fee for each value provided such as sponsored media posts or books […]

By Lawrence | Book Pre-Launch